Welcome to Illinois Citizens for Better Care

ILLINOIS CITIZENS FOR BETTER CARE is the Illinois nursing home residents' advocacy and service organization. Since 1978, ICBC has worked to improve the quality of care and quality of the lives of Illinois long-term care residents.

News You Can Use

How to Get Good Nursing Home Care

Mon, 11/04/2013 - 11:00am

We will be discussing 1) how nursing homes are required to get input from residents and their families in assessing each individual's needs, preferences, and goals; 2) how each person's care plan should reflect what that individual needs and wants; and 3) what residents and families can do if the nursing home is not meeting an individual's needs, or complying with the care plan.  We encourage questions about individual nursing home experiences.  

In the Legislature

The spring session of the Illinois Legislature adjourned May 31. Considering the wretched condition of the Illinois state budget, programs designed to help seniors and younger people with disabilities stay home, instead of being forced into nursing homes, did pretty well. The Legislature passed a $334 million supplemental appropriation to the 2013 fiscal year budget, to restore funding for home- and community-based progams such as home care, adult day care, and home-delivered meals.

How To Get Good Nursing Home Care

Thu, 08/29/2013 - 1:00pm

Come learn about how to get good nursing home care!

We will give tips on what can be done before entering a nursing home.  In addition, we will talk about what you should do while in the nursing home to insure that good care is received.

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